Impact and Reach of BRAC’s Graduation Approach

In 2002, BRAC pioneered the Ultra-Poor Graduation (Graduation) approach in Bangladesh, the first holistic intervention to enable people to lift themselves from extreme poverty, after recognizing that existing poverty alleviation programs were not reaching the people who were poorest. Through the provision of livelihood assets, cash transfers, and continued mentoring and training, the Graduation approach … Continued

BRAC UPGI Strategic Vision

The need to combat extreme poverty and drive systems change has never been more urgent. We must act swiftly and design programs and policies that meet the increasing and evolving needs of people living in extreme poverty—programs and policies that are inclusive, comprehensive, and adaptive—building resilience and supporting sustainable economic recovery.

LDC5 Side Event | Flip the Script from Potential to Prosperity

This is a recording of the side event, Flip the Script from Potential to Prosperity: SDG advocacy and campaigning towards the SDG Summit, that took place on March 7, 2023, at The Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5). The multi-stakeholder session discussed the importance of mobilizing action and momentum towards the … Continued

High-Level Thematic Round Table 1: Investing in People in LDCs to leave no-one behind (LDC5)

This is a recording of an event that took place on March 5, 2023 at LDC5 in Doha, Qatar. The high-level thematic round tables will focus on consensus-building to renew and reinvigorate partnerships and mobilize additional international support measures and actions in support of least developed countries to enhance their resilience to multiple shocks and … Continued

Disability Inclusive Ultra-Poor Graduation Approach: Considerations for Implementing Best Practices, A Case of Northern Uganda

This resource highlights considerations to be made when designing, implementing, and evaluating a Disability Inclusive Ultra-Poor Graduation Approach encompasses learnings taken from the Disability Inclusive Graduation (DIG) project in Uganda implemented by BRAC, Humanity and Inclusion, and the National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda (NUWODU). This Implementation Best Practices Considerations (hereafter referred to … Continued

The social policy process: Using research-based evidence in poverty elimination policies

The International Growth Centre (IGC), STICERD LSE Department of Economics, and BRAC hosted this session to identify ways to move forward and bring poverty elimination programs to scale in places that are most primed, and where they are most needed. Panelists discuss evidence-based poverty elimination programs and implementing them effectively. Academics will share new evidence … Continued

In Practice Brief: Designing and Delivering Government-Led Graduation Programs for People in Extreme Poverty

Maxwell Gollin, Carolina de Miranda, Taddeo Muriuki, Steve Commins While governments face significant obstacles in designing and delivering approaches for people living in extreme poverty, a substantial body of research shows that programs can achieve transformative impact by addressing the socioeconomic barriers that often exclude this population. An increasing number of governments are adopting and … Continued

Designing and Delivering Government-Led Graduation Programs for People in Extreme Poverty

Maxwell Gollin, Carolina de Miranda, Taddeo Muriuki, Steve Commins While governments face significant obstacles in designing and delivering approaches for people living in extreme poverty, a substantial body of research shows that programs can achieve transformative impact by addressing the socioeconomic barriers that often exclude this population. An increasing number of governments are adopting and … Continued

PEI Open House | Reaching the Poorest and Moving to Scale

This webinar originally took place on February 22, 2023. Economic inclusion’s roots are grounded in approaches that are shown to be effective in reaching people living in extreme poverty. Yet one of the biggest challenges as programs scale up is determining the target groups to be included and how to prioritize those who may need … Continued

Celebrating 20 Years of the Graduation Approach

As we celebrate 20 years of the Graduation approach, we would like to personally recognize our partners’ critical support in evaluating, innovating, and expanding the reach of Graduation around the world. This support has enabled us to reach millions of people worldwide and our partners and related organizations to do similar. This in effect has … Continued