Disability Inclusion Graduation (DIG) in Uganda – Program Overview

In late 2017 BRAC Uganda, the National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda (NUWODU), and Humanity & Inclusion (HI, formerly Handicap International), with support from BRAC UPGI and BRAC UK, began work to design and implement the Disability Inclusive Graduation (DIG) project in three districts of Uganda. The purpose of this project is to … Continued

Anti-Poverty Programs Reach 92 Million People

See how BRAC is reaching the poorest with an innovative set of interventions that creates a ladder out of extreme poverty.

A Journey of Growth and Transformation: The DOLE Graduation Approach Project

Join Corazon, a participant of the DOLE’s Graduation Project in the Philippines, in partnership with the Asian Development Bank and technical assistance provided by BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative, as she tells her story of empowerment and transformation. This visual story takes us to Negros Occidental province in central Philippines, and showcases the various project components … Continued

Scaling a Proven Solution to End Extreme Poverty

In 2002 we pioneered the Graduation approach – a holistic sequence of interventions that helps people escape the poverty trap for good. When LSE researchers found 95 percent of participants in Bangladesh continued improving their living standards seven years after the intervention ended, we knew Graduation had the potential to transform lives.

Strength in Numbers: PROFIT Financial Graduation

Join Sopina, Emily and Ntetekwa along with their community leader Seyian, as they share their story of group entrepreneurship, courage, and growth in the northern desert region of Samburu, Kenya.

TED Talk | Audacious Project – 4 Ways to End Extreme Poverty

Approximately 700 million people worldwide currently live in extreme poverty, a state of severe financial and social vulnerability that robs many of hope and dignity. BRAC, the world’s largest NGO, began a sustainable, multifaceted intervention called the Graduation approach in 2002. Since then, it has helped over nine million people escape extreme poverty. Now, Shameran … Continued

Graduation Story: Kuntola

A single mother, a farmer, an entrepreneur. Meet Kuntola – a woman who has defied all odds. Kuntola is one of 2 million families supported by the BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation programme in Bangladesh.