Graduation Essentials

This resource identifies the essential elements required for the Graduation approach to deliver long-term gains and put people on a long-term, upward trajectory out of extreme poverty. These essentials are based on what we know of the programme’s design and the global evidence. Meaning it will evolve as more learnings come to light. This IS … Continued

Impact and Reach of BRAC’s Graduation Approach

In 2002, BRAC pioneered the Ultra-Poor Graduation (Graduation) approach in Bangladesh, the first holistic intervention to enable people to lift themselves from extreme poverty, after recognizing that existing poverty alleviation programs were not reaching the people who were poorest. Through the provision of livelihood assets, cash transfers, and continued mentoring and training, the Graduation approach … Continued

BRAC UPGI Strategic Vision

The need to combat extreme poverty and drive systems change has never been more urgent. We must act swiftly and design programs and policies that meet the increasing and evolving needs of people living in extreme poverty—programs and policies that are inclusive, comprehensive, and adaptive—building resilience and supporting sustainable economic recovery.

In Practice Brief: Designing and Delivering Government-Led Graduation Programs for People in Extreme Poverty

Maxwell Gollin, Carolina de Miranda, Taddeo Muriuki, Steve Commins While governments face significant obstacles in designing and delivering approaches for people living in extreme poverty, a substantial body of research shows that programs can achieve transformative impact by addressing the socioeconomic barriers that often exclude this population. An increasing number of governments are adopting and … Continued

Building Climate Resilience for Women in Extreme Poverty: Adaptations and Policy Recommendations from the Government of Tunisia’s Pilot Graduation Program

Climate change, poverty, and gender are inextricably interconnected. As climate change worsens it compounds systemic inequalities and exacerbates poverty, food insecurity, and injustice, especially for women and girls. Governments must adopt an integrated approach to addressing the climate crisis, with an intentional focus on building resilience for women living in poverty. Climate change poses unprecedented … Continued

(عربي) نظرة عامة على التخرج / Graduation Overview (Arabic)

ما هو التخرج؟ نهج التخرج عبارة عن مجموعة متعددة الأوجه من التدخلات المصممة لمعالجة الطبيعة المعقدة للفقر المدقع. يتم تكييف هذه التدخلات مع السياق المحلي وتشمل بشكل عام ربط المشاركﻴﻦ بالحﻤﺎية الاجتﻤﺎعية لتلبية احتياجاتهم الأساسية، وتوفﻴﺮ التدريب والأصول لتوليد الدخل، ومحو الأمية المالية ودعم الادخار ، والتمكﻴﻦ الاجتﻤﺎعي من خلال المشاركة المجتمعية والتدريب على المهارات … Continued

Graduation and Food Security

Graduation promotes food security holistically so that participating households can experience long-term improvements in their household nutritional status. From the start of the program, BRAC often considers chronic food insecurity in its multidimensional evaluation of and targeting of participant households. By supporting participants to develop diversified income-generating activities both on- and off-farm, BRAC enables them … Continued

Empowering Women through the Graduation Approach

Central to the Graduation approach is the understanding that extreme poverty encompasses a multidimensional set of challenges not limited to low incomes. While extreme poverty afflicts both women and men, women are particularly vulnerable because of barriers created by unequal gender dynamics.Women play a critical role in social and economic development by investing a higher … Continued

Graduation and the SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established a vision of a world free of poverty and inequality by 2030. Unfortunately, progress towards the SDGs is at great risk. The international community has struggled to reach the most pressing goals, including SDG 1, ending poverty in all its forms. As we enter the Decade of Action, the … Continued

Livelihoods Promotion in the Ultra-Poor Graduation Approach

Extreme poor households typically hold few productive assets, rely on irregular and low incomes, and have low risk tolerance for investing in new livelihoods. In addition, they often lack confidence due to experience of social stigma, exposure to repeated shocks, high levels of indebtedness, and the burden of an uncertain future. The Ultra-Poor Graduation approach … Continued