Building an equitable future through women-centric innovations: Introducing the Equity 2030 Alliance (UNFPA)

The Government of Finland, the Government of Ghana, the Government of Norway, the Government of Vietnam, and UNFPA, the United Nations Sexual and Reproductive Health Agency organized this high-level side event on the margins of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, titled “Building an equitable future through women-centric innovations.” The 90-minute in-person … Continued

Devex @ UNGA 78 – Pathways out of Poverty

Devex at UNGA 78 – Day 1 Shameran Abed, Executive Director, BRAC International Raj Kumar, President and Editor-in-Chief, Devex

Effectively Scaling Up Promising Approaches: What Evidence is Necessary and How to Ensure It Is Used to Improve Lives

This text is from Chapter 25 of the Oxford Handbook of Program Design and Implementation Evaluation. By Annie Duflo, Heidi McAnnally-Linz, Anu Rangarajan Abstract This chapter describes an approach to scale-up that focuses on delivering effective programs to increase the reach of program services. Program scale-up can occur along a number of dimensions—organizations can expand … Continued

Scaling the Graduation Approach

In the past five years, many governments have adopted Graduation and incorporated it into existing programmes, making them more comprehensive and better positioned to meet the long-term needs of those living in extreme poverty. Governments have the mandate, the infrastructure, and the established systems to transform the lives of their most vulnerable people, as well … Continued

A “Big Push” To End Extreme Poverty – J-PAL South Asia

For the last 15 years, J-PAL South Asia has been working with governments, academia, NGOs, and philanthropic organizations to fight extreme poverty. J-PAL South Asia, together with JEEViKA and NGO Bandhan-Konnagar, has been working on implementing JEEViKA’s Satat Jeevikoparjan Yojana (SJY) in Bihar since 2018. The program offers useful lessons for organizations seeking to form … Continued

Going the Last Mile: Lifting ultra-poor households out of extreme poverty

This is a playbook based on the largest government-led scale of the Graduation Approach in the world, Satat Jeevikoparjan Yojana (SJY). The programme is implemented and led by JEEViKA and is run in close collaboration with NGO Bandhan-Konnagar as the technical advisor and J-PAL South Asia as the knowledge and learning partner. This knowledge product—which … Continued

Governing Effectively During Challenging Times | World Bank Group-IMF 2023 Spring Meetings

This conversation originally took place in Washington, D.C. on April 12, this is a recording of the panel discussion. — Overlapping crises, from COVID-19 and debt to climate change and conflict, are challenging many governments to operate differently, prioritizing the delivery of essential public goods and services to their people while protecting the most vulnerable. … Continued

LDC5 Side Event | Flip the Script from Potential to Prosperity

This is a recording of the side event, Flip the Script from Potential to Prosperity: SDG advocacy and campaigning towards the SDG Summit, that took place on March 7, 2023, at The Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5). The multi-stakeholder session discussed the importance of mobilizing action and momentum towards the … Continued

High-Level Thematic Round Table 1: Investing in People in LDCs to leave no-one behind (LDC5)

This is a recording of an event that took place on March 5, 2023 at LDC5 in Doha, Qatar. The high-level thematic round tables will focus on consensus-building to renew and reinvigorate partnerships and mobilize additional international support measures and actions in support of least developed countries to enhance their resilience to multiple shocks and … Continued

In Practice Brief: Designing and Delivering Government-Led Graduation Programs for People in Extreme Poverty

Maxwell Gollin, Carolina de Miranda, Taddeo Muriuki, Steve Commins While governments face significant obstacles in designing and delivering approaches for people living in extreme poverty, a substantial body of research shows that programs can achieve transformative impact by addressing the socioeconomic barriers that often exclude this population. An increasing number of governments are adopting and … Continued