Graduation and Food Security

Graduation promotes food security holistically so that participating households can experience long-term improvements in their household nutritional status. From the start of the program, BRAC often considers chronic food insecurity in its multidimensional evaluation of and targeting of participant households. By supporting participants to develop diversified income-generating activities both on- and off-farm, BRAC enables them … Continued

Transforming the Economic Lives of the Ultra Poor

Clare Balboni, Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Upaasna Kaul (December 2015) A livelihood programme providing productive assets and skills training to the poorest women in Bangladesh village economies helps them move into more stable self-employment and achieves significant reductions in poverty…

COVID-19 vs. UPG: Evidence from the 2007 Cohort in Bangladesh

Atiya Rahman and Oriana Bandiera (March 2021) Under normal conditions, BRAC’s flagship Graduation approach aiming to alleviate poverty was proven to be highly successful at giving the poorest women in some of the poorest areas of Bangladesh the tools to escape the poverty trap (Balboni et al., 2021; Bandiera et al., 2017). Pilots of the … Continued

Graduation Story: Kuntola

A single mother, a farmer, an entrepreneur. Meet Kuntola – a woman who has defied all odds. Kuntola is one of 2 million families supported by the BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation programme in Bangladesh.