Tackling Extreme Poverty and Climate Change Together: Solutions from the Global South

This event was organized by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and BRAC. The panel shared insights and experiences of different approaches including the Graduation approach, cash transfers and broader adaptive social protection systems, and takeaways on applying these approaches to poverty reduction and climate adaptation. Speakers shared concrete examples, practical insights, and evidence … Continued

Door of Hope (Bab Amal): Adapting the Graduation Approach in Upper Egypt

In July 2018, the Bab Amal Graduation program was launched with the objective of reducing extreme poverty in Upper Egypt. Together with the Sawiris Foundation, J-PAL, the Egyptian Human Development Association (EHDA), and Giving Without Limits Association (GWLA), the pilot targets approximately 2,400 rural, extreme poor households in the Assiut and Sohag governorates. BRAC UPGI … Continued

فيديو برنامج باب امل (عربي) / Bab Amal Graduation Program Overview

In July 2018 the Bab Amal Graduation program was launched with the objective of reducing extreme poverty in Upper Egypt. BRAC UPGI is providing technical assistance on the program which is focused on rural households, particularly those with livestock as a primary source of income. Together with the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development (SFSD) , … Continued

DOLE Graduation Program: Building Resilience in the Philippines through Sustainable Livelihoods

In 2018, the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and technical assistance from BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative launched a pilot across five municipalities in Negros Occidental. The video highlights the program interventions and the many obstacles participants overcame in their efforts to uplift themselves out of … Continued

BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Program in Liberia

In November 2018, BRAC International, with funding from the Dutch Postcode, began the targeting process and launched the Liberia Graduation pilot in March 2019 to provide targeted support to 750 households living in extreme poverty across Kakata and Gbarnga counties and Unification Town (250 households per branch). After two prolonged civil wars and the 2014 … Continued

Youth Graduation Pilot in Uganda

Meet some of the participants of the BRAC International Graduation pilot in Uganda focused on empowering and uplifting youth.

A Fresh Start in Rural Kenya: PROFIT Financial Graduation

The Samburu region is an impoverished area of northern Kenya fraught with conflict and struggling with crippling poverty. Here how the PROFIT Financial Graduation program empowered Anna Lobug to build her livelihood and get a fresh start in life.

The Power of Hope: PROFIT Financial Graduation

Mary Musyimi saw and opportunity and ran with it. Now she proudly shows us the drastic changes she has made for her family and her future.

Empowering Women in Rural Kenya: PROFIT Financial Graduation

The Samburu region is an impoverished area of northern Kenya fraught with conflict and struggling with crippling poverty. Before the BOMA Project selected Jecinta Lelenguya as a participant of the IFAD-funded PROFIT Financial Graduation program, her family was barely making ends meet.

Graduation Story: Alo Rani

Poverty can be overcome, and the benefits last for generations. Alo Rani (‘light queen’ in Bangla) overcame poverty 18 years ago. Her children and grandchildren continue to shine, generations later. BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation programme has supported more than 2 million households in Bangladesh like Alo Rani’s to overcome poverty. This is her Graduation story. BRAC’s … Continued