Social Protection in the Developing World

By Abhijit Banerjee, Rema Hanna, Benjamin A. Olken and Diana Sverdlin-Lisker [October 2022] “Abstract: Social protection programs have become increasingly widespread in low- and middle- income countries, with their own distinct characteristics to match the environments in which they are operating. This paper reviews the growing literature on the design and impact of these programs. … Continued

How Coaching Enhances the Impacts of Graduation

The Graduation approach builds self-confidence, skills, resilience, and sustainable, diversified livelihoods by meeting participants’ basic day-to-day needs, providing training and assets for income generation, financial literacy and savings support, and social empowerment through community engagement and life skills training – all facilitated through in person coaching. Coaches play a critical role in encouraging participants to … Continued

How to Get on Track to Eradicate Extreme Poverty – IPS News

By Gregory Chen, Managing Director | BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative This piece originally appeared on Inter Press Service News on October 10, 2022. Read it here. WASHINGTON DC, Oct 10 2022 (IPS) – As we approach 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals look harder than ever to achieve. Shocks to the global economy caused by climate change, … Continued

How to Strengthen Social Protection Programs with the Graduation Approach

Governments must strengthen their social protection systems to ensure those furthest behind are covered and that their long-term needs are met. Otherwise, the deepest forms of poverty will remain entrenched. Social protection programs help people who are marginalized and living in poverty meet their most basic needs. They enable people to cope with crises, find … Continued

Keeping the ‘Leave No One Behind’ Agenda Alive – Brookings

Speakers: John W. McArthur, Alexia Latortue, Scott MacMillan, Amb. Elizabeth Cousens, Homi Kharas While the sustainable development goals and their anchoring promise to “leave no one behind” may feel increasingly out of reach amid the COVID-19 pandemic, rising poverty, food shortages, armed conflict, natural disasters, and other crises, there is still reason for optimism when … Continued

Understanding Multidimensional Poverty

Extreme poverty goes far beyond a lack of income. This is because poverty is multidimensional. Health, education, clean water and sanitation, electricity, housing, social inclusion are all crucial indicators which determine standards of living and future prospects of an individual and their household. We cannot eradicate these challenges by focusing on income alone. To address … Continued

Graduating Out of Poverty – Can It Be Done? – Poverty Unpacked

By Dr. Keetie Roelen, Research Fellow and Co-Director | Centre for Social Protection This interview was original published on Poverty Unpacked on September 29, 2022. Listen here. Empowering families in poverty to take control and set them on a path towards a better life, this is at the core of so-called ‘graduation’ programmes. By providing … Continued

Fighting Poverty with Hope: Lessons from the Life of Fazle Hasan Abed – Brookings

By Scott MacMillan, Director of Learning and Innovation | BRAC USA This piece was originally published on The Brookings Institution’s Future Development blog on September 12, 2022. Read it here. What would Abed say? I often find myself asking this question these days, having authored a new biography of the late founder of BRAC, “Hope … Continued

Lessons in Development from the Global South: 50 Years of BRAC

This virtual event took place on July 14, 2022, and was hosted by BRAC, the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the UN, and the Permanent Mission of Rwanda to the UN on the sidelines of the 2022 UN High-Level Political Forum. This webinar reflects on BRAC’s role in generating development lessons in the Global South … Continued

How Graduation can complement social protection for women in extreme poverty – OECD

By Isabel Whisson, Senior Manager | BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative and Bill Abrams, Senior Advisor | Leadership Collaborative to End Ultra-Poverty This article originally appeared on the OECD Development Matters blog on June 27, 2022. Read it here. Successive crises including COVID-19, climate change, conflicts, and the emerging global food crisis will force 75 to 95 million … Continued