Graduation Essentials

This resource identifies the essential elements required for the Graduation approach to deliver long-term gains and put people on a long-term, upward trajectory out of extreme poverty. These essentials are based on what we know of the programme’s design and the global evidence. Meaning it will evolve as more learnings come to light. This IS … Continued

G20 Social: Global Representatives Announce Actions and Investments to the Global Alliance

The Brazilian government is taking another step forward in consolidating the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty. During the G20 Social Summit, governments, international organisations, philanthropic entities and non-governmental organisations announced historic commitments to promote the eradication of hunger and poverty in the world by 2030. The announcements were formalised in an activity promoted by … Continued

BRAC’s Statement of Commitment to the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty

BRAC hereby voluntarily joins the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty and states its dedication to pursue the Alliance’s mission, objectives and principles, as expressed in the Global Alliance’s Terms of Reference and Governance Framework, and to collaborate with other members to achieve lasting solutions to poverty and hunger worldwide. Learn more about the Global … Continued

Governments, Development Banks, International Organizations and Philanthropies Partners to Bring Socioeconomic Inclusion Programs to Scale, Help to Lift 100 million More People Out of Poverty by 2030, Prioritizing Women Empowerment

Rio de Janeiro, November 15, 2024. A group of governments, multilateral institutions, NGOs, and knowledge organizations recently committed to increase efforts and coordination to scale evidence-based socioeconomic inclusion programs in hopes of reaching an estimated 100 million people in poverty by 2030 of whom at least 50% women and girls. These new commitments aim to … Continued

How BRAC, Governments, and the World Bank Scale Innovations to Combat Poverty – World Bank

The World Bank Group originally published this feature story on November 11, 2024. By Rasha Natour, Senior Specialist, Policy and Partnerships, BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative The number of people living in extreme poverty continues to be alarming and disheartening. The World Bank estimates that around one person in 10, or 700 million people, live in extreme … Continued

IDA Replenishment at World Bank Fall Meetings 2024

To move the needle on ending extreme poverty, we need IDA21 to be the largest replenishment yet, with an explicit focus on delivering transformative impact for those furthest behind first. Our Global Lead for Policy and Partnerships, Heidi McAnnally-Linz, shares why IDA remains an important resource to reach those furthest behind during the World Bank … Continued

Partnerships to Catalyze Action to End Poverty, Hunger, and Malnutrition – UNGA 79

This side event took place on September 25, 2024, during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. BRAC co-hosted this side event with World Vision, Hungry for Action, The World Food Programme, SDG 2 Action Hub, Ação da Cidadania, and the Government of Brazil as the Chair of the G20. The Global Lead … Continued

How We Can Get Back on Track to End Extreme Poverty – The Good Feed

This blog was originally published on the Good Feed on August 11, 2024 If current trends continue, 690 million people across the world will still be living in extreme poverty by 2030. However, that doesn’t have to be our reality. Decades of experience and rigorous evaluations show us that multifaceted, ‘big push’ approaches offer one of several pathways … Continued

Poverty, Inequalities, and the Green Transition – OECD HLPF 2024 Side Event

This event originally took place and was live-streamed and recorded on July 17, 2024, on UN Web TV.  As the world grapples with multiple challenges, the international community must not lose sight of a more silent, yet devastating crisis: the alarming rise of poverty and inequalities in low- and middle-income countries. The OECD Development Co-operation … Continued

Enabling Transformative Transitions: The Role of the Joint SDG Fund in Catalyzing SDG Progress

This event originally took place and was live-streamed via UN Web TV on July 17, 2024. The Permanent Mission of Spain and the United Nations Joint SDG Fund’s High-Level Political Forum 2024 side event provided an in-depth exploration of how the Joint SDG Fund supports critical transitions in areas such as food systems, social protection … Continued