Tackling Poverty and Inequality All the Way to the Last Mile: Ultra-Poor Graduation (UPG) Programme – Highlights 2023

BRAC pioneered the Graduation approach by launching the Ultra-Poor Graduation Programme in 2002. The programme works to sustainably lift ultra-poor households from poverty while keeping women at the centre of economic activities. 69,242 participants were enrolled for the 2023 cohort in 38 districts across Bangladesh. The report shares additional highlights from 2023.

How the Graduation approach is adapting to a changing climate – socialprotection.org

By Palash Kanti Das | Director, Ultra-Poor Graduation Programme, BRAC; Upoma Mahbub | Senior Manager of Advocacy, Ultra-Poor Graduation Programme, BRAC, Courtney Calardo | Head of Communications, Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative, BRAC International, Max Gollin | Manager of Policy and Partnerships, Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative, BRAC International The article was originally published on socialprotection.org on November 28, … Continued

Multidimensional Coaching for Socio-Economic Advancement of People in Poverty (EU Commission)

This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Center (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. The purpose of the report is to highlight a relatively new approach to social assistance for people in poverty, focusing on multidimensional coaching. The approach represents a paradigm shift in social assistance design, as … Continued

How Do We Support the World’s Poorest Countries? | The Development Podcast

Meet the International Development Association (IDA), the arm of the World Bank that helps the world’s poorest countries—75 to be exact. It’s the largest single source of donor funds for basic services in these countries and aims to eliminate extreme poverty. IDA’s most recent replenishment, IDA20, resulted in a historic $93 billion financing package for IDA countries for … Continued

Social Protection Podcast | Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Active Labour Market Policies | socialprotection.org

This podcast was originally published on socialprotection.org on April 28, 2023. In the “Quick Wins” segment, Jean Claude Muhire, Rwanda Programme Director for the Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative, BRAC, explains how ‘Graduation’ approaches, famous for being implemented in Bangladesh and Southeast Asia, are now being implemented in different contexts such as in Rwanda.

Investing in Those Furthest Behind in Least Developed Countries for Inclusive and Long-Term Growth

BRAC International Executive Director, Shameran Abed, and other members of BRAC leadership participated in the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries to emphasize the importance of investing in those furthest behind and addressing the multifaceted nature of extreme poverty. Governments, development partners, civil society organizations, and private sector partners came together to … Continued

The social policy process: Using research-based evidence in poverty elimination policies

The International Growth Centre (IGC), STICERD LSE Department of Economics, and BRAC hosted this session to identify ways to move forward and bring poverty elimination programs to scale in places that are most primed, and where they are most needed. Panelists discuss evidence-based poverty elimination programs and implementing them effectively. Academics will share new evidence … Continued

Keeping the ‘Leave No One Behind’ Agenda Alive – Brookings

Speakers: John W. McArthur, Alexia Latortue, Scott MacMillan, Amb. Elizabeth Cousens, Homi Kharas While the sustainable development goals and their anchoring promise to “leave no one behind” may feel increasingly out of reach amid the COVID-19 pandemic, rising poverty, food shortages, armed conflict, natural disasters, and other crises, there is still reason for optimism when … Continued

Graduating Out of Poverty – Can It Be Done? – Poverty Unpacked

By Dr. Keetie Roelen, Research Fellow and Co-Director | Centre for Social Protection This interview was original published on Poverty Unpacked on September 29, 2022. Listen here. Empowering families in poverty to take control and set them on a path towards a better life, this is at the core of so-called ‘graduation’ programmes. By providing … Continued

Fighting Poverty with Hope: Lessons from the Life of Fazle Hasan Abed – Brookings

By Scott MacMillan, Director of Learning and Innovation | BRAC USA This piece was originally published on The Brookings Institution’s Future Development blog on September 12, 2022. Read it here. What would Abed say? I often find myself asking this question these days, having authored a new biography of the late founder of BRAC, “Hope … Continued