The social policy process: Using research-based evidence in poverty elimination policies
By Anu Kumar • March 1, 2023 • 2 minute read

The International Growth Centre (IGC), STICERD LSE Department of Economics, and BRAC hosted this session to identify ways to move forward and bring poverty elimination programs to scale in places that are most primed, and where they are most needed. Panelists discuss evidence-based poverty elimination programs and implementing them effectively. Academics will share new evidence from various poverty alleviation programs such as the Graduation approach, and then be joined by policymakers from India, Rwanda, and Pakistan to present their unique insight on their successes, questions, and challenges in designing and implementing such programs.
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This session originally took place on March 1, 2023.
Paolo Belli – Practice Manager for Social Protection and Jobs for Eastern and Southern Africa, World Bank
Nadir Gul Barech – Chief Operating Officer, Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund
Imran Matin – Executive Director, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development, BRAC University
Claire Hutchings – Director, Monitoring, Evidence, and Learning, BRAC UPGI
Haris Gazdar – Senior Researcher, Collective for Social Science Researcher Board Member, Benazir Income Support Programme, and Sindh Social Protection Authority
Rahul Kumar – Chief Executive Officer, Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society
Anton Heil – PhD Candidate, London School of Economics, STICERD
Samuel Dusengiyumva – Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government, Rwanda
Munshi Sulaiman – Director of Research, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD)
Jonathan Leape – Executive Director, IGC & Associate Professor of Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)