Heat Crisis: What’s Happening Behind the Headlines – and What’s Next?

This webinar originally took place and was recorded on May 7, 2024. The global south is boiling – and it will only get hotter. Yet key funding and resources rarely reaches the people experiencing the piercing impacts of climate change. How are the people most affected coping? Which response actions work and which fall short? … Continued

Addressing Climate Inequality – LSE

The panel discussion, Addressing Climate Inequality, hosted by the LSE Environment Camp, originally took place and was recorded on May 2, 2024. A central issue with climate change is that those who contribute least to the problem are the most affected. The panel discussion explored new thinking on how to design and finance loss and … Continued

Policy Recommendations for Building Climate Resilience for the Most Vulnerable During Heatwaves in India

Image (above) credit: Mahila Housing Trust By Boudewijn Weijermars, Technical Advisor; Shweta S. Banerjee, India Country Lead; Ramesh Veluru, India Programme Officer; and Courtney Calardo, Head of Communications, at BRAC International Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative India is not alone in the world in experiencing the effects of the current 1°C global warming. Heatwaves, floods, and droughts … Continued

Climate Adaptation Within Livelihoods and Poverty Programmes: Responding to Extreme Heat in India

The authors of this paper are Shweta S. Banerjee (Country Lead India, BRAC International), Siraz Hirani (Senior Programme Management Specialist, Mahila Housing Trust), Boudewijn Weijermars (Technical Advisor, BRAC International), Ramesh Veluru (India Programme Officer, BRAC International) India is experiencing the effects of the current 1°C global warming. Heat waves, floods, and droughts are affecting the … Continued

Building Climate Resilience for Women in Extreme Poverty: Adaptations and Policy Recommendations from the Government of Tunisia’s Pilot Graduation Program

Climate change, poverty, and gender are inextricably interconnected. As climate change worsens it compounds systemic inequalities and exacerbates poverty, food insecurity, and injustice, especially for women and girls. Governments must adopt an integrated approach to addressing the climate crisis, with an intentional focus on building resilience for women living in poverty. Climate change poses unprecedented … Continued

Tackling Extreme Poverty and Climate Change Together: Solutions from the Global South

This event was organized by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and BRAC. The panel shared insights and experiences of different approaches including the Graduation approach, cash transfers and broader adaptive social protection systems, and takeaways on applying these approaches to poverty reduction and climate adaptation. Speakers shared concrete examples, practical insights, and evidence … Continued

Clearing Pathways to Prosperity With a Livelihood Building Program in Kenya – BOMA

Michael Carter (University of California, Davis); Geyi Zheng (University of California, Davis; Nathan Jensen (International Livestock Research Institute), April 2022 Abstract: Livelihood-building programs combine training and assets for rural households with the least means to build a sustainable and independent income. Since 2018, we have been evaluating such a program in Samburu, Kenya among women … Continued

20 Years of a Transformative Approach to End Extreme Poverty – Cartier Philanthropy

By Greg Chen | Managing Director, BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative This blog originally appeared on Cartier Philanthropy on May 4, 2022. Read here. This year marks the 20th anniversary of Graduation, pioneered by BRAC in Bangladesh after recognizing that existing poverty alleviation programs were not reaching the people who were poorest or properly meeting their … Continued

What Cultivating Resilience Means for Women Living in Extreme Poverty – Trickle Up

Joint Blog by Trickle Up and BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative Communication team members This article originally appeared on Trickle Up on March 8, 2022. Read it here. As we approach a third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world continues to face unprecedented challenges and deep uncertainty, especially as the issues of conflict and climate … Continued

UK International Development Committee Formal Meeting: Extreme Poverty and the Sustainable Development Goals

On Tuesday 1 March, the UK House of Commons International Development Committee (IDC) began taking evidence on extreme poverty and the Sustainable Development Goals. Experts sharing evidence included: Dr. Sabina Alkire, Director at Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) at the University of Oxford Romilly Greenhill, UK Director at ONE Campaign Shameran Abed, Executive … Continued