Designing and Delivering Government-Led Graduation Programs for People in Extreme Poverty

Maxwell Gollin, Carolina de Miranda, Taddeo Muriuki, Steve Commins While governments face significant obstacles in designing and delivering approaches for people living in extreme poverty, a substantial body of research shows that programs can achieve transformative impact by addressing the socioeconomic barriers that often exclude this population. An increasing number of governments are adopting and … Continued

Stories of Resilience and Innovation: Disability Inclusive Graduation (DIG) in Uganda

In 2020 a Disability Inclusive Graduation program was launched in Northern Uganda, targeting 2,700 households living in extreme poverty. The DIG program provided training on enterprise management, life skills, financial literacy, and inclusion in Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) groups and Village Social Solidarity Committees. Among the participants were 554 persons living with disabilities … Continued

Social Protection in the Developing World

By Abhijit Banerjee, Rema Hanna, Benjamin A. Olken and Diana Sverdlin-Lisker [October 2022] “Abstract: Social protection programs have become increasingly widespread in low- and middle- income countries, with their own distinct characteristics to match the environments in which they are operating. This paper reviews the growing literature on the design and impact of these programs. … Continued

How to Strengthen Social Protection Programs with the Graduation Approach

Governments must strengthen their social protection systems to ensure those furthest behind are covered and that their long-term needs are met. Otherwise, the deepest forms of poverty will remain entrenched. Social protection programs help people who are marginalized and living in poverty meet their most basic needs. They enable people to cope with crises, find … Continued

فيديو برنامج باب امل (عربي) / Bab Amal Graduation Program Overview

In July 2018 the Bab Amal Graduation program was launched with the objective of reducing extreme poverty in Upper Egypt. BRAC UPGI is providing technical assistance on the program which is focused on rural households, particularly those with livestock as a primary source of income. Together with the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development (SFSD) , … Continued

(عربي) نظرة عامة على التخرج / Graduation Overview (Arabic)

ما هو التخرج؟ نهج التخرج عبارة عن مجموعة متعددة الأوجه من التدخلات المصممة لمعالجة الطبيعة المعقدة للفقر المدقع. يتم تكييف هذه التدخلات مع السياق المحلي وتشمل بشكل عام ربط المشاركﻴﻦ بالحﻤﺎية الاجتﻤﺎعية لتلبية احتياجاتهم الأساسية، وتوفﻴﺮ التدريب والأصول لتوليد الدخل، ومحو الأمية المالية ودعم الادخار ، والتمكﻴﻦ الاجتﻤﺎعي من خلال المشاركة المجتمعية والتدريب على المهارات … Continued

BRAC Regional Dialogue: Applying Evidence to Eradicate Extreme Poverty for the Long Term Across Asia

Organiser: Asian Development Bank, ADB BRAC Institute for Governance and Development, BIGD BRAC London School of Economics, LSE United Nations Development Programme, UNDP According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), COVID-19 has pushed 75 million to 80 million people into extreme poverty throughout Asia as of last year. Progress has also been negatively impacted in … Continued

BRAC Regional Dialogue: Applying Evidence to Achieve Long-Term Development and Inclusive Growth Across Africa

Organisers: African Development Bank Group BRAC Institute for Governance and Development, BIGD BRAC United Nations Development Programme, UNDP West Africa Civil Society Institute, WACSI Before COVID-19, many countries across Africa were making significant gains in human capital, improving health and education outcomes for girls and boys and empowering women and youth to reach their full … Continued

DOLE Graduation Program: Building Resilience in the Philippines through Sustainable Livelihoods

In 2018, the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and technical assistance from BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative launched a pilot across five municipalities in Negros Occidental. The video highlights the program interventions and the many obstacles participants overcame in their efforts to uplift themselves out of … Continued

Graduation and Food Security

Graduation promotes food security holistically so that participating households can experience long-term improvements in their household nutritional status. From the start of the program, BRAC often considers chronic food insecurity in its multidimensional evaluation of and targeting of participant households. By supporting participants to develop diversified income-generating activities both on- and off-farm, BRAC enables them … Continued