Book Launch: Scaling Up Development Impact – Scaling Up Community of Practice

This event was hosted by the Scaling Up Community of Practice and took place on March 12, 2024. This panel discussion featured Isabel Guerrero and her coauthors presenting and discussing with a global panel of experts, including Gregory Chen (Managing Director of the Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative, BRAC International), the key messages from their recently published … Continued

Rethinking How to Eliminate Global Poverty – WEF 2022

Speakers: Ilona Szabó de Carvalho, Kennedy Odede, Tracy Francis, Asif Saleh, Precious Moloi-Motsepe, Marcos Troyjo As the successive, complex and sustained global crises have exposed the depth and complexity of solving global poverty, a multi-stakeholder approach using locally-led best practices from the Global South is required more than ever. How can we continue to innovate to solve the challenge of eliminating … Continued

BRAC UPGI TED 2020 Audacious Project Announcement

Over the next six years, BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative will work with governments in countries with the greatest potential to scale BRAC’s Graduation approach to help millions more people to lift themselves from extreme poverty. Today, BRAC, a Global South-led NGO that combats inequality and poverty around the world, was announced as one of this … Continued

The State of Economic Inclusion Report 2021: Case Study – Adapting BRAC’s Graduation Program to the Changing Poverty Context in Bangladesh

This case study explores BRAC’s experience evolving the graduation approach over the last 20 years, paying special attention to the lessons for governments and NGOs alike that have emerged from the most recent periods of implementation. Specifically, this case study looks at how, since the program started in 2002, BRAC has sought to ensure high … Continued

A Journey of Growth and Transformation: The DOLE Graduation Approach Project

Join Corazon, a participant of the DOLE’s Graduation Project in the Philippines, in partnership with the Asian Development Bank and technical assistance provided by BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative, as she tells her story of empowerment and transformation. This visual story takes us to Negros Occidental province in central Philippines, and showcases the various project components … Continued