Shweta Banerjee
India Country Lead
Country Portfolio
Shweta has worked on rural livelihoods, digital inclusion, and social protection at the World Bank between 2006 and 2016. During this time she was part of teams that launched India’s National Rural Livelihoods Mission, Jeevika in Bihar, and cash transfer support for vulnerable groups in Jharkhand among other projects in South Asia. From 2012 – 2015 she represented CGAP in India on inclusive finance, and led several research and technical support initiatives on direct benefit transfers like one-stop shops for cash transfers in remote districts of Andhra Pradesh. She is currently finishing her PhD as a Vanier Doctoral Scholar at the University of Toronto. Her dissertation presents a historical view of money in South Asia from 1750 – 1947. She has studied Social Anthropology at University of Cambridge, UK, and University of Chicago, and History at Delhi University, India. She enjoys a game of tennis or a walk in the woods to unwind.