Irnum Malik
Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor
Irnum Malik is responsible for the monitoring and evaluation function including design and implementation of adaptive MEL systems and processes covering management of the day-to-day data collection, management, analysis, and dissemination of the results.
She has more than 19 years of experience of working with NGOs and INGOs in Pakistan. Prior to joining UPGI team, she worked with Global Communities-Yemen for USAID funded project, Younger Communities Stronger Together (YCST). She has worked with Oxfam International as an Influencing and Campaigning MEAL Advisor. She also served as Country MEAL Lead in Oxfam Great Britain, World Vision, and Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) in Pakistan.
She has experience in monitoring, evaluation, knowledge management; and learning functions for projects focused on governance, women empowerment, rural development, agriculture and sustainable livelihoods, climate change, conflict prevention and management, humanitarian assistance, and socio-economic development projects.
Irnum Malik holds a MPhil in International Development Studies from Iqra University and a BSc (Hons) in Agriculture Economics from the University of Arid Agriculture.