Ajit Ranjan
Program Coordinator
Country Portfolio
Ajit is the Program Coordinator for BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative in India. He is responsible for providing advisory services, technical assistance around the Graduation approach to different stakeholders, ranging from Government, Multilateral Institutions, NGOs and partners.
He has worked for over 20 years on large scale government programs to support millions of rural people across the state of Bihar, India. He brings rich experience in designing and anchoring the women empowerment projects of World Bank,USAID, and other government agencies. Ajit has led the state-wide implementation of the evidence-informed scale-up of the graduation approach in Bihar known as Satat Jeevikoparjan Yojana (SJY). He has helmed the successful implementation and policy formulation of the graduation approach aimed to improve the life of the ultra-poor residing in both Rural and Urban areas of Bihar, India.