BRAC Regional Dialogue: Applying Evidence to Eradicate Extreme Poverty for the Long Term Across Asia
By Max Gollin • February 10, 2022 • 2 minute read

Asian Development Bank, ADB
BRAC Institute for Governance and Development, BIGD
London School of Economics, LSE
United Nations Development Programme, UNDP
According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), COVID-19 has pushed 75 million to 80 million people into extreme poverty throughout Asia as of last year. Progress has also been negatively impacted in areas such as food security, health, and education, all of which are inextricably linked to poverty and contribute to keeping people who are the furthest behind, experiencing the most severe forms of poverty, trapped and unable to escape. In order to support more sustainable development and serve those furthest behind, we must support evidence-based interventions that enable people in extreme poverty to access the resources and develop the skills needed to create a pathway out of poverty and toward income-generating livelihoods. This Asia Dialogue brought together representatives from government, multilateral institutions, civil society, and academia to discuss ways to build more inclusive, resilient systems that promote long-lasting poverty reduction.
Shameran Abed, Executive Director, BRAC International
Stephanie Levy, Guest Lecturer at the London School of Economics, Department of International Development
Dr. Imran Matin, Executive Director at BRAC Institute of Governance and Development
Dr. Karin Schelzig, Principal Social Sector Specialist, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank
Palash Kanti Das, Director of BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Programme, Bangladesh
Swarnim Waglé, Chief Economic Advisor at the UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (RBAP) in New York
Maliki, Director for Poverty Alleviation and Community Empowerment, Ministry of National Development Planning, Government of Indonesia
Gregory Chen, Managing Director, Ultra Poor Graduation, BRAC International
Moderator: Wendy Walker, Chief of the Social Development Thematic Group at Asian Development Bank
This was the second webinar of the “BRAC Regional Dialogues: Applying Evidence to Achieve Long-Term Development, Poverty Eradication, and Inclusive Growth” series. This series is made up of two regional sessions focusing on Africa and Asia. It was organized by BRAC, the United Nations Development Programme, BRAC Institute of Governance & Development and partners to promote dialogue between key stakeholders around effective poverty eradication efforts that promote long-term growth, recovery, and resilience.