How to Scale Up: An Interview with the Authors of ‘Scaling Up Development Impact’ – The Good Feed

This article was originally published on the Good Feed on July 9, 2024. Siddhant Gokhale and Jossie Fahsbender, co-authors of Scaling Up Development Impact, talk about their new book, the challenges local organisations face when trying to scale up successful interventions, and how organisations like BRAC offer insights for scaling that can benefit the world. The … Continued

Esther Duflo, 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics and Shameran Abed, President of BRAC: “Reducing Extreme Poverty and Hunger in the World is Doable and It Must be Done” – Le Monde

This op-ed was originally published in Le Monde on May 31, 2024.  Shameran Abed and Esther Duflo advocate for supporting and expanding programs that have proven successful in developing countries in this op-ed. One of the main projects for the G20 under the Brazilian presidency is the creation of a global alliance against hunger and … Continued

Life in a Heatwave: What It’s Like, and What We Need To Do – The Good Feed

This blog post was originally published on the Good Feed on May 19, 2024. Hundreds of people died across Asia in April and May 2024 as the region sweltered under blistering temperatures. It was so hot that schools had to be closed for millions of children in Bangladesh, along with in the Philippines, the Indian state of Tripura and South … Continued

Think Change Episode 44: Tackling Debt, Transforming Economies – Why is the IDA Replenishment So Urgent? – ODI

This podcast was originally published on ODI’s website on April 2, 2024. Global public debt is at unprecedented levels. The UN has reported that nearly half of the world’s population lives in countries that spend more paying off debts to other countries than they spend on healthcare for their own people. While needs soar as … Continued

Policy Recommendations for Building Climate Resilience for the Most Vulnerable During Heatwaves in India

Image (above) credit: Mahila Housing Trust By Boudewijn Weijermars, Technical Advisor; Shweta S. Banerjee, India Country Lead; Ramesh Veluru, India Programme Officer; and Courtney Calardo, Head of Communications, at BRAC International Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative India is not alone in the world in experiencing the effects of the current 1°C global warming. Heatwaves, floods, and droughts … Continued

Staff Spotlight: Jean Claude Muhire, Rwanda Program Director of BRAC UPGI

By Courtney Calardo, Head of Communications, BRAC UPGI Jean Claude Muhire, BRAC UPGI’s Rwanda Program Director, has played a pivotal role in driving UPGI’s partnership with the Government of Rwanda under the Ministry of Local Governance. Under Jean Claude’s leadership, BRAC is now supporting the Government’s new National Strategy for Sustainable Graduation, designed to empower … Continued

How to Get on Track to Eradicate Extreme Poverty – IPS News

By Gregory Chen, Managing Director | BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative This piece originally appeared on Inter Press Service News on October 10, 2022. Read it here. WASHINGTON DC, Oct 10 2022 (IPS) – As we approach 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals look harder than ever to achieve. Shocks to the global economy caused by climate change, … Continued

Fighting Poverty with Hope: Lessons from the Life of Fazle Hasan Abed – Brookings

By Scott MacMillan, Director of Learning and Innovation | BRAC USA This piece was originally published on The Brookings Institution’s Future Development blog on September 12, 2022. Read it here. What would Abed say? I often find myself asking this question these days, having authored a new biography of the late founder of BRAC, “Hope … Continued

Building Resilience in the Philippines Through Sustainable Livelihoods and Psychosocial Support – IPS News

By Joyce Chimbi, Journalist | Inter Press Service This article originally appeared in Inter Press Service News Agency on September 1, 2022. Read it here. Iloilo, Philippines, Sep 1 2022 (IPS) – Elvie Gallo no longer hangs around her local grocery store, hoping for the odd job to put food on the table. Her hand-to-mouth life … Continued

These experiments could lift millions out of dire poverty – Nature

By Jeff Tollefson This article originally appeared in Nature on June 22, 2022. Read it here. In 2012, the government of Niger began giving some of its poorest citizens free money. Over the next few years, around 100,000 participating households received 24 monthly payments of roughly US$16 — which more than doubled their typical spending … Continued