The ultra-poor: a pioneering technique is helping the hardest to reach – The Guardian

By Scott MacMillan | Director of Learning and Innovation, BRAC USA This article originally appeared in The Guardian on January 12, 2015. How do we reach the people at the bottom of the ladder? They are often the hardest to help, but pioneering work in Bangladesh is achieving genuine progress.

Cash Versus Cows (Part 2): What’s more scalable – cash transfers or in-kind transfers? – NextBillion

By Sadna Samaranayake | Program Manager, BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative and Rod Dubitsky, Senior Advisor and Chief Knowledge Officer, BRAC USA This article originally appeared in NextBillion on December 16, 2014. Successfully catapulting households over the extreme poverty line is incredibly hard work, and it requires philanthropic capital and grant-based approaches. In this second part … Continued