What ‘Cash Plus’ Programs Teach Us About Fighting Extreme Poverty – SSIR

By Dr. Imran Matin | Executive Director, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development This article originally appeared in Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) on January 5, 2022. Read it here. The development community has been heavily researching and discussing cash transfers over the past decade, publishing hundreds of studies and scores of articles on their … Continued

Will COVID-19 Relief Plans Reach the World’s Poorest People? – World Economic Forum

By Shameran Abed | Executive Director, BRAC International; Joanne Carter | Executive Director, RESULTS; and Barbara Jackson |  Vice President: Programs, TrickleUp This article originally appeared in World Economic Forum (WEF) on November 24, 2021. Read it here. A whopping $90-100 billion is on the World Bank’s International Development Association‘s (IDA) negotiating table in 2021 … Continued

OPINION: Global leaders are funding a historic COVID response for the world’s poorest countries, but will it reach those who need it most?

By Shameran Abed | Executive Director, BRAC International; Joanne Carter | Executive Director, RESULTS; and Barbara Jackson |  Vice President: Programs, TrickleUp Far from the limelight, global leaders are on the cusp of striking a historic and unprecedented financing deal for spurring pandemic recovery through the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA), a mechanism overseen … Continued

OPINION: Why Global South Leadership on Climate Change Adaptation Matters – Thomson Reuters Foundation

By Shameran Abed | Executive Director, BRAC International This article originally appeared in Thomson Reuters Foundation News on November 10, 2021. Read it here. As this year’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) unfolds, the world is facing coinciding crises. Multiple regions hit their highest-ever recorded surface temperatures this year, tens of millions of people are being displaced by climate-related disasters, thousands … Continued

BRAC UPGI TED 2020 Audacious Project Announcement

Over the next six years, BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative will work with governments in countries with the greatest potential to scale BRAC’s Graduation approach to help millions more people to lift themselves from extreme poverty. Today, BRAC, a Global South-led NGO that combats inequality and poverty around the world, was announced as one of this … Continued

The Impact of a Graduation Program on Livelihoods in Refugee and Host Communities in Uganda

Lasse Brune, Nathanael Goldberg, Dean Karlan, Doug Parkerson, Christopher Udry (Ongoing) Evidence from multiple contexts suggests that the Graduation Approach, which provides holistic livelihood support for ultra-poor households, has lasting positive impacts on a range of outcomes. However, graduation programs are relatively expensive because of the intense level of support they offer. The costs pose … Continued

COP26: Building Climate Resilience Will Require a Focus on Those Furthest Behind – IPS News

By Julie Kedroske | Acting Director of Technical Assistance, BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative This article originally appeared in Inter Press Service News Agency on October 21, 2021. Read it here. NEW YORK, Oct 21 2021 (IPS) – As the United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, approaches (31 October -12 November in Glasgow, … Continued

We Are in a Global State of Emergency on Extreme Poverty – InDepthNews

This article originally appeared in InDepthNews on October 14, 2021. DHAKA (IDN) — It is time we start treating extreme poverty as the global emergency it is. This International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, October 17, we are looking at 100 million more people being forced into extreme poverty by the end of 2021 … Continued

Webinar: Creating Opportunities for Women in Poverty

In honor of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17, 2021, discover the power of women in a fireside chat with BRAC USA President and CEO, Donella Rapier, and Senior Advocacy Manager for BRAC’s Ultra Poor Graduation Initiative, Rasha Natour.

Graduation and Food Security

Graduation promotes food security holistically so that participating households can experience long-term improvements in their household nutritional status. From the start of the program, BRAC often considers chronic food insecurity in its multidimensional evaluation of and targeting of participant households. By supporting participants to develop diversified income-generating activities both on- and off-farm, BRAC enables them … Continued